Nonprofit webinar recording

How to improve your fundraising writing in 5 simple steps

How to improve your fundraising writing in 5 simple steps

Writing is one of the most critical components of your work as a fundraiser. Major and planned giving officers must juggle different audiences, channels, and messages. At the end of the day, they all must yield the same result – help you get closer to reaching your fundraising goals. 

In this popular webinar series on writing, we break down how you can be a better writer in 5 simple steps so that you can forge deeper connections with your donors. 

Watch Patrick Schmitt, co-CEO of FreeWill, as he shares tips for creating thoughtful fundraising appeals that generate major and planned gifts.

In this webinar, we covered:

  • Research-backed tips for writing planned and major giving appeals
  • How to effectively incorporate social proof into your messaging
  • Examples of successful appeals across various channels

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