Nonprofit webinar recording

5 strategies to reach end-of-year fundraising goals in 2023

5 strategies to reach end-of-year fundraising goals in 2023

Giving Season holds some of the most important fundraising days on the calendar, with over one-third of all charitable giving occurring in the final months of the year.

With fall right around the corner, it’s never too early to finalize your plans and seize this extraordinary opportunity to exceed your fundraising goals. But end of year isn’t just about meeting immediate fundraising targets – it's also a great moment to rally support for major gifts and legacy donations.

Watch Patrick Schmitt, co-CEO of FreeWill, to learn the 5 strategies your nonprofit should implement to ensure the 2023 year-end is your best one yet.

In this webinar, we covered:

  • Trends you should know about going into year-end
  • How your nonprofit can stand out during the busy Giving Season
  • Strategies for generating planned & major gifts

View our past webinars or nonprofit resources.

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