Your Giving Grader score: C

Your website scored a C, which puts you in the below average optimization range. While you might not be getting the most out of your online fundraising efforts yet, we know that you can (and will) with the right strategy and optimizations. Explore the resource below and learn how to take your online fundraising efforts to the next level (we've also sent these resources to the email address provided).

Learn how to generate more real-time gifts by taking FreeWill's Giving Grader assessment.Learn how to generate more planned gifts from your website by taking FreeWill's Giving Grader assessment.


Does the design of my website (really) matter?

Well-designed websites inspire trust and action from your donors. Web designers have about .05 seconds to make a good impression before their visitors make a judgment about the site (and the organization attached). What is more, 75% of users admit to passing credibility judgements on an organization based on their website’s design.

FreeWill can help amplify your marketing strategy with our Planned Giving Websites.

Why should I consider planned giving software for my website?

Dedicated, purpose-built tools make prioritizing and managing your planned giving program easier. They allow you to take an organized and streamlined approach, all while improving the donor experience and generating the data you need to improve your strategies continually. Planned giving software from FreeWill can even help you effortlessly source new prospects with our Featureship options.

Learn more about our tools to see the difference that dedicated planned giving software can make for your nonprofit.

How can FreeWill help?

Support and software from FreeWill include everything you need to launch or strengthen your fundraising program. We provide outreach strategy, develop custom content, create a welcoming donor experience, and offer options to help you reach new prospects.

Our tools follow a proven model—tapping your nonprofit into an audience of individuals who are already thinking ahead philanthropically and then equipping you with the resources you need to start building relationships.

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